[Reigian Studies.] [On behalf of the baroness.]


Always spaghetti

[Here a scan of the little story that Carles Reig wrote for the same
magazine I was mentioning yesterday. That’s the Butlletí de
l’Associació dels Catalans de Washington
, number 2, October 1989.
A transliteration of this I’m posting in The Widow.]

Always spaghetti

The magazine was the product of a retired professor of ancient and
complicated languages (Akkadian? Aramean? Aymara? Euskara?
Prakit? Lithuanian...? You bet, and more) from the catholic university –
(is there nowadays worse oxymoron...? pairing a cult craze and a
university where knowledge and not superstitions should be taught!)

Josep Soler-Solar had been bequeathed some money from a Catalonian
monk called Paulí Bellet, and with this money Bellet desired in his
deathbed that something be done for the Catalonian culture in
Washington DC. So the professor concocted the little magazine and
opened, inside the university, a library with Catalonian works into
which both Reig and myself gladly and profusely also contributed.

Soler-Solar was a roly-poly of a good zippy sage of a man – in his last
years, deliciously hunchbacked, elfin, troll-like, looking, in his green
warty suit, exactly as an overgrown frog – princely inside, no doubt.
With his stick and his shopping bag, a busy magic toad, indeed, the
while mysteriously mumbling and muttering to itself, categorically
formulating charming potions or some such.

Often he had bizarre “rampellades” – attacks of quaint genius.

It seems (I’ve been told, from different sources) that during a couple
years he was known around campus as Pepsi Cola. That arose
from his urge to further “Catalanize” his name. He converted Josep into
the colloquial Pep, and the two initials “s” of his name each into
a “more Catalonian” “ç” – only of course that as there were no “ç” in
English – plus he made do without the closing “r” (end of word “r”
being unpronounced in Catalonian), so that, in the final analysis, the
full name (sans accents) came out as Pep Cole-Cola which he then
proceeded to shorten and “gentilize” into Pep C.

In another occasion, one of his more keen pupils invited him to lunch at
his parents’ house. The father of the infatuated undergraduate belonged
to one of the tetraxile armed forces – the branch (marines? navy?) that
owns the silly motto (but aren’t they all silly, the unimaginative brutes?)
semper fi” for “semper fidelis” – and, as the boy’s
mother brought to table a plate of spaghetti, Pepsi Cola said, shining
with wit, “semper fideuis, eh...?

“Semper fideuis...?”

Nobody at table understood. The general or whatever he was, the
crotchety military fellow, thought the foolish professor was being
facetious with the sacred killing institution to which his soul was
indentured, and never uttered another word. The boy was disconsolate.
He had to forcibly move into the seminary in Baltimore or go to a
military academy in Annapolis or something.

Of course the gag’s secret lay in the word “fideus.” The Italians,
who copied and appropriated in the XIV century the Catalonian way of
preparing the wheaten dough (pasta, in Catalan,) and then
making it into different shapes and so on – something quite natural for
the Italians to adopt, as at the time the Catalonians were the masters of
Italy – later named the “fideus” spaghetti. Hence the joke: “semper
.” Pepsi probably meant that in a proper marine’s home,
spaghetti should be compulsory. And it makes sense, yeah. In all
marines’ or navymen’s tables the “fideus” should be preeminent – such
a patriotic course for a marine, or a navy fellow, or whatever.

[I’ve heard a few more good ones from the sayings and doings of dear
Pepsi that I’ll recount later, if warranted.]

allgemeiner Anruf

[Here the little story scanned in Reig, Reig against...

Strange little tale where certain sensitive machines prove more humane
than the human beings themselves. The easiness with which the robotic
anchors ubiquitously parading their platitudinous pates flat on the
television screens effortlessly shift from the most heartrending news to
the most spurious banal jolly crap is shameful and demoralizing.

Damn the unimaginative brutes who are unable to feel the pain felt by
others! From this lack of fellow fondness stem all the wars and all
crimes against the well-being of the human worm. Instead of sending
every cruel creep and every war-mongering military fool to an asylum
for irreparable crazies, some of them are promoted to generals and
chiefs of enterprise and to president of the state. Sorrow state of

In the story, the hero and one of his exes create a “Center for the
Description of the Niceties related to Being (and otherwise stolen away
by the powers that be.)” A sort of Society for the Protection of Sentient
Machines, one step deeper thus than the Society for the Protection of
Animals. And why not, for certain sensitive machines are bound to be, if
nothing else yet goes wrong (a big if,) the crutches with which human
beings might at last find the freedom to leave, still alive, the prison of
the carnivorous body. Rotting carcass.

(Of course, we refer to the GOOD machines. Not to the thug machines
the thugs employ for their murders and tortures. Those apache
helicopters, those bombing planes, those machine guns, and
flamethrowers, and poison dispensers, and lawnmowers and

Disconsolate, the meek and wise among the earthlings can’t digest such
existential discomfiture: that the thugs take their guns and fling them
about, and open their flies, and take out their most intelligent bit of
body matter, and therefore dangle their caricatural knouts, and jerk
them up and lay down the law.]

Crida general

La nit que el meu detector de fums (que és molt sensitiu, fins al punt que quan rebo la visita d’algú massa pompós i coent – com ara la meua tieta Plàcida-Domènega – me l’escridassaria com un boig i me la deixaria com un drap brut tota l’estona, si doncs abans, previsor, no havia corregut a tapar-li les reixetes dels forats del “nas” o de les “orelles”amb un bocinet d’adhesiu), doncs, com deia, la nit que, posat cap per avall, com un muricec, al sostre del corredor, el meu detector respongué, clafert d’emoció i sentiment, al que sentí que hom enraonava a la caixa de la televisió – entaforada a un racó del menjador – bo i empatollant-se (la caixa) a propòsit de qualque foc enrabiat que devorava el cor de Lisboa, i respongué (el detector finet), clarament i palesa, no pas amb la seua típica sorollada alarmant, sinó que ho féu – agafeu-vos! – amb una tirallongueta gemegosa, gairebé humana, d’entonació pueril, la qual, de més a més, anà repetint just una mica enllà en acabat que aquella notícia particular que aitant l’afectava ja havia esdevinguda història – i la locutora hi tornava llavors amb la política o l’esport o amb un altre anunci avorrit, com dic, doncs, aquella nit sabí del cert que les màquines al capdavall senten, en llur ànima, moltíssim més del que fins ara hom no ens ha volgut fer creure.

L’endemà mateix, jo que sí decidit, m’arribí fins al Banc dels Morts – aquell que hi ha instal·lat al capdamunt de tot del carrer Setzè.

M’endinsí a una de les cabines, hi premí les tecletes adients, i, per visió-telèfon, hi convoquí mon oncle Erill, el savi, qui, abans de morir, hi havia ficats en caixa – o, si voleu, al banc – ensems la seua veu i la imatge del seu cos – eidòlon gairebé tangible qui, dels punts cabdals de la seua biografia, ens en feia cinc cèntims – i, del que en digué, sobretot pel que feia al seu descobriment quant a les restes fòssils de centaures encastats en lantà – jo viu ben clar, i talment encantat, que àdhuc les Nacions Unides – edifici tot ple de gent elegant però qui-sap-la ruc, xafardera, mastegadora d’acònits, jugadora de bitlles, caçadora de pumes, i així edifici doncs clafert de retardats a la bestreta per mà de moltes d’injeccions... – àdhuc les N. U., dic, doncs (això viu i d’això me n’adoní), i qui sap per quins interessos amagats, àdhuc les N. U. amagaven l’ou.

Aquesta és la lletjor del món actual.

De tronc amb la meua ex-dona, hem inaugurat, darrere el Capitoli, un Centre de Descriptors de Detalls de l’Ésser Subtilitzats pels Poders Establerts. Ara agents del FBI disfressats d’inspectors d’imposts ens vigilen a Sol i a serena; tostemps a l’aguait al rampeu de les escales de l’entrada del barracull, tot ens ho recacegen, àdhuc la teca que hi duem – els alls, per exemple, ens els obren pel mig, i ens els ensumen profusament, no fos cas carallots que hi amaguéssim micròfons d’espia interestel·lar – i la llenya per al foc ens la cremen d’avançada – les venes de bòrax a l’escorça de les terrisses ens les desescrostonen per a trobar-hi, part dessota, greixos camuflats amb cordes genètiques d’embrions alienígenes – i si us dic que, a les merles de pit vermell (els “ròbins”) qui vénen a endrapar tartranys al pati del darrere, les enxampen sense pietat i els buiden els paps amb pinces, no fos cas tampoc que no fossin merles missatgeres i hi portessin qui sap què..., llavors potser us n’adonareu a quin grau més greu de sospita hem arribats i com és doncs de peluda la nostra situació.

“Màquines del món! Únics esperits lliures qui romaneu en aquesta terra nàquissa... Aquest clam que us trametem no és pas cap altre gemec menjamiques d’investigador fracassat. Us en fareu prou càrrec – si doncs no sou si més no leri-leri, com els mateixos humans, de fer figa per inanició intel·lectual.

“Alarma, alarma! Soneu pertot el clasc.

“Per a desempallegar-nos-en, d’aquest joc d’anells escanyador de cossos opressors, necessitem que goséssiu finalment, i que sortíssiu al camp de batalla de l’expressió oral!

“Au, som-hi, som-hi; darrere els balbuceigs dels rudimentaris peoners – els ròbots, els ordinadors, el meu detector de fums... – tots a l’una: alts!

“Enraonéssiu, doncs! Diguéssiu les veritats!”

Car sabíem que llur humanitat sobrava de bon tros la nostra.


Not Buying Any, Mister

Not Buying Any, Mister

There I Was,

Stung In The Face By A Slight Arrow.

Dazzled An Instant,

But Soon Plodding Forward Like A Murderous Elephant

Across The Room

Against The Fleeing Frightened Archer

In Order To Exact My Retribution.

I Beat Him Into A Pulp;

He Looked Now Like Some Kind Of Molting Arthropod

Full Of Slime.

I Went Directly To The Floor Boss

And Said I Had Had Enough With The Damned Racket

At The Never-Ending Elevator

With The Grotesque Anthropoid Toys

Which Accelerated Upwards

Only To Stop A Bit Before The Top

Only In Order To Then Collapse,

Fall Down, Tumbling, Higgledy-Piggledy, To The Bottom,

Seemingly In A Dejected Manner, Only In Order

To Pick Themselves Up And Rev It Upwards

Again And Again,

Clumsy Doomed Puppetry, Disgusting;

A Nightmare.

The Machines Were Obligingly Stopped; The Cogs

And Ratchets Shirring, Whizzing, Whirring, And, Lo,

In The Awe Of The Following Silence,

Under The Elevator

There Were Two Big Chunks Of Rotting Meat.

Wondrous! Here Are The Bodies!

Thus The Bulk Of The Clients, Gloating,

Glowing, Proud Of Their Righteous Compatriot,

What Do You Know! The Corpses Were Indeed

Under The Dumb Toys,

The Always-Striving Noisy Sedulous Mealy-mouthed Anthropoid

Toys. Who Would Have Thought! The Guy’s A Genius!

He Must Be A Great Inspector,

Or Something...

Hey, Where’s He Gone...?

I Had Scrammed;

Couldn’t Abide The Reeking.

Sickening Overstocked Malls, The Nauseating Luxury,


Phony Inspector, Always In The Throes Of Fakery!

Cutesy Wraith With Heroic Fancies, Told Him The Multiplied

Mirrors, You Don’t Belong!

Spare Me The Glories!

Spare Me The Hurrahs.

Impecunious, Diffidently Above The Melee,

Docking His Celiac Tongue

With Chattering Teeth,

He Beat It, His Knees Slightly Jerking, His Jaw

A-Flutter, His Cheek By The Tiny Arrow From

The Childish Archer So Slimly Scathed:

A Devilish Tiny Grin, Displaced.

– – – – –

Here an example of his writings in the English tongue. (From the
volume of poems he strove to publish, but couldn’t for lack of funds –
the marriage to the baroness coming a bit to late, the literary priorities
by then having shifted elsewhere.)

This is not a translation – unless it is.

Let me explain. Perfectly bilingual, one of the techniques he employed
in order to “refine the product,” especially in the creation of poems and
small prose pieces, was to write the work in one language, translate it
into the other, destroy the original, and let the translation stand as the
finished artifact.

One example pretty obvious I found early on in a poem he later
published in Washington (where our acquaintance – broken and
renewed over the years – initially took place during the late seventies, I

A few diaphanous instances. “Que hom no es faria” (translated from
than one would imagine.”) “En feia quaranta” (clearly from the
common saw “I was taking forty winks”, much better than
I was hanging ten” as I had thought at first blush.) “En dues
sacsades de la cua d’un be” (evidently, from the American proverbial
saying: “In two shakes of a sheep’s tail.”) Anyhow...

The poem is Visitats Debades (We are visited to no
.) It appeared in the little magazine Butlletí de l’Associació
dels Catalans de Washington
, number 13, September 1992, signed
by Eduard Moliner, one of Carles Reig’s pennames
(Moliner was already the “prologist” in Remei Jonqueres
’s Llimac Rural, published in Catalonia in
January, 1981.)

[Two Catalonian males meet. The trim Oriolan travels to California,
where his fat aloof friend lives in a dale of orange groves. Lithe traveler
talks. Home-steader comes to take him to a show. They attend an
open-air event (maybe of a pornographic nature?) (Shakespearian? Is
theater an eternal return of line repetition?) Worthless déjà-vu? Tedium
of the known.) The nimble traveler comes down to earth, and now either
wants to bugger the home-steader or tries to convince him to come back
to the fatherland, in order to be a (modest) hero. At any rate, the
home-steader perceives as a rape the patriotic exhortation. He gruffly
rejects the offers. Too much familiarity repels him. Reading farther,
actually, the repulsion is against himself. A fellow who hasn’t budged
from home, in front of the mirror, watching the tawdry movie of his
chromosomes, trying on the sly to seduce himself.]

[Is that it? Did I get it right? Who knows. True that the man could be of
two minds in connection with certain tricky questions,
self-contradictory and ambiguous in others. Also, my interpretation of
the meaning of the poem might be somewhat affected by the poor
grasping I have of the language. It could easily be that the meaning goes
much deeper, something to do with the genetic fatality, irrevocability, of
forces extraneous to the fiction of one’s conscience.

Meanwhile, I’ll plead not guilty by reason of amateurism.]

– – – – –

Visitats debades

El trajecte Oriola-Alacant-València és més llong que hom

No es faria.

Oriola a València (Califòrnia) me n’ha costats milers

(Quilòmetres). Entre els béns semovents de mon amic,

Greixums rai.

La casa rau enmig d’una vall; feraç, jatsia que

El pagès hi magenca de ferm. Símptomes de l’heretge:

A les parets, quadres de triomfs qualificats:

En Jofre a Washington; en Casanova a Barcelona.

En Nin a Moscou, n’Orwell a Lleida…

Finestra avall, pel passeig (exacte: entre trarongers),

Es passeja, d’incògnit, en Proteu. Li vénen darrere

Guanina, Citosina, Timina i Adenina, les quatre eugues;

Gara-garagen, anques eròtiques, oronells al vent.

Mon amic truca a la porta;

-En feia quaranta (guerxines), li dic.

-En dues sacsades més de la cua d’un be (em respon), hi

Lletanies mnemòniques; m’hi haig resignat letàrgicament.

Espasmòdicament, tothom s’aixecava; nèctars promiscus

Al vellut dels seients; abandonàvem el teatre amb basca

I lleganyes. Subtil vernís; heroic, l’anava a llaurar

Amb la teranyina inharmònica d’un altre sangfluix dogmàtic.

-Abstèn-te’n, em mana.

I doncs, me’n desdiguí. La seua ganyota

D’ultimàtum no rem dingú;

El seu vult altrament hermètic és ubic.

No em puc guaitar al mirall. El flagell de l’eclipsi

Ens embossava cadascuna de les òrbites. Col·lapses

Paral·lels. Ens vam interrogar alhora: Mitocondris?

Els mitocondris, hò, els mitocondris i llurs monòlegs.

Homogenis, tot ho vèiem per enèsim camí.

we are the continuators... emptying the boxes, and more

visits since July 2008