[Reigian Studies.] [On behalf of the baroness.]


Found. Two more Reig items.

An old cartoon here:

http://www.uib.es/catedra/camv/denc/carles reig.jpg

A fairly fine translation from an old poem from his book "Vilanetes a betzef" here:


Reig’s “Al rerefons del cel,
cada vol de faldilles una flor que s’afegeix al paisatge”

A heavenscape where the skirts are the flowers

As fearless as birds in flight, the skirts

Freshen the numb chambers of memoryscape.

The mind gets into action,” life alerts.

Immemorial women, daredevil birds,

Their aces’ dances come grace the skyscape.

As fearless as birds in flight, the skirts

Take over the telluric floor; by spurts

Gets etched the silver plate of the seascape.

The mind gets into action,” life alerts.

Such enduring snapshots, no need for words;

What lay latent awakens in shipshape.

As fearless as birds in flight, the skirts,

Glorious wings dive-bombing the conscience blurred’s

Gnarls of impressionable youth, leached windscape.

The mind gets into action,” life alerts.

Such cocksure acuity when beauty asserts

Its emotions - perennials of the earthscape.

As fearless as birds in flight, the skirts.

The mind gets into action,” life alerts.

we are the continuators... emptying the boxes, and more

visits since July 2008