[Reigian Studies.] [On behalf of the baroness.]


New Old Play: Lletovaris als faldars

Published in its entirety another of those "lost" plays of poor Carles Reig - or Cerles Raig, as he'd rather sign his "stuff", at least for a while during the early nineteen eighties, after he got "a nasty bump on the side [which one?] of (his) skull."

Anyway, Lletovaris als faldars, 1982, or 1983, by Cerles Raig.


Lletovaris als faldars (first part)

Lletovaris als faldars  (second part)

Lletovaris als faldars  (third and last part)

we are the continuators... emptying the boxes, and more

visits since July 2008